

The 20th anniversary celebration and customer appreciation of Yiwen come to a successful conclusion

release time:2016-03-30 15:07:08
view count:1529

In the warm spring, Guangzhou Yiwen Environmental Science Technology Co., Ltd. had perfectly completed its 20th anniversary celebration and customer appreciation themed with “Together with Yiwen to accerlerate the development” on March 27 upon careful preparation by all staff.

The celebration meeting was held at the banquet hall of the Guangzhou Zhujiang New Town W Hotel. Government leaders, industry experts, partners, friends from banks, financial industry, customer representatives and employees come to the meeting from all over the country, and all seats are occupied. Zhu Xun, host of CCTV, presided over the celebration party. The meeting was grandly opened with a warm and hot "Longguwu", President Liu Yubing, Ji Yindong, dean of Tsinghua University Information Technology Research Institute, director and doctoral tutor of Tsinghua University High-speed Railway Center Control Technology Research Institute and Feng Mengjue, director of Guangzhou Hi-tech business service center and secretary-general of Guangzhou High-tech Enterprise Association and other guests delivered wonderful speeches. Launching ceremony for listing in new three boards, strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony and toast ceremony are followed.

At the dinner, several Miao Songs sung by Long Xian'e let all guests appreciate the art of ethnic minorities. The dancing "Hongyan (Swan Goose)", which shows a long-lasting, gentle story, performed by Subsidiary Qinghai Yiqing team knocked on everyone's heart. Four rounds of lottery during the party made guests surprise. Shuimunianhua came to the party with three classic songs including Departure, Perfect World and You Are Always by My Side to bring the evening atmosphere to a climax. Finally, chorus Sincere Hero and Friends performed by management and cadre employees led by President Liu Yubing concluded the whole celebration party to an end.

Looking back the past 20 years, looking forward to a new 20 years, all shareholders, leaders and colleagues of the company will continue to gather strength and accelerate the development of Yiwen with one heart and one mind! Join us to create a brilliant tomorrow!

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