

Wun environment 20th anniversary and customer thanks will ended

release time:2017-01-19 20:39:24
view count:2251

"In the accelerated in a diet,"

Wun environment 20th anniversary and customer thanks will ended

On this spring day, after all the staff of careful preparation, guangzhou yi wen environmental technology co., LTD. "in the diet, the acceleration of" 20 anniversary celebration and customer thanks will on March 27 a success!

Celebration meeting held in guangzhou pearl river new city W hotel banquet hall, and government leaders from around the country, industry experts, partners, Banks, financial circles friend, client representatives, and employees to the scene, was packed. Famous CCTV host Zhu Xun presided over the celebration of this party, the party a warm hot grand opening, "encouraging the dragon Mr Liu Yubing, chief information technology research institute, tsinghua university, tsinghua university center for high-speed high-speed railway control technology research institute, doctor, doctoral supervisor, Mr Ji Yin east, guangzhou city, guangzhou hi-tech innovation service center director, high - tech enterprise association secretary general Mr Feng Meng sleep such as guest has published the wonderful speech. Followed by a new three board listed company launching ceremony, strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony and toast ceremony.

Dinner, miao songs queen Long Xiane a few songs to present all guests appreciate the art of the ethnic minority amorous feelings. Subsidiary of qinghai yi qing team brings dancing "swan goose" long and long, soft complained at everyone's heart. Round lucky draw throughout the evening, let guest surprises! Shui mu nian hua on the ground, bring the "departure", "perfect world", "the life has you" three classic songs, will be a party atmosphere to a climax. In the end, Mr President Liu Yubing lead management and backbone employees chorus "true hero", "friend", the celebration party successfully ended.

Look back 20 years, look forward to the new one 20 years, the company all the shareholders, leadership and his colleagues will continue to coagulation hearts meet force, unite as one, the grace, speed up! To join hands in creating brilliant tomorrow!

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中央電視臺著名主持人朱迅主持慶典晚會 水木年華親臨晚會
苗族飛歌皇后龍仙娥 怡文環(huán)境管理層和骨干員工
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